Knee Embolization: A Breakthrough Treatment to Relieve Chronic Knee Pain


Knee pain can significantly impact your quality of life. It can hinder your ability to perform even simple tasks such as walking or climbing stairs. There are many treatments available for relieving knee pain, but not all of them can provide long-lasting relief. Knee embolization is a relatively new procedure that has gained popularity in recent years for its effectiveness in treating chronic knee pain. In this blog post, we will discuss knee embolization in detail and how it can provide relief to patients suffering from knee pain.

Knee embolization is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to relieve chronic knee pain that may be caused by osteoarthritis or other degenerative knee conditions. The procedure involves using a small catheter to access the knee joint and injecting tiny particles called embolic agents. These tiny particles block the blood supply to the nerves that transmit pain signals, thus providing relief from chronic knee pain.

One of the greatest advantages of knee embolization is that it is minimally invasive and is performed on an outpatient basis. This means that patients can return home on the same day and resume their normal routine within a few days. Additionally, knee embolization has a very low risk of complications, making it a viable treatment option for patients who are not candidates for surgery.


A breakthrough knee embolization Arizona treatment procedure for knee pain that has been shown to provide long-lasting relief. This is because the procedure targets the source of the pain, rather than simply masking it with pain medications. Many patients report significant improvements in their knee pain after undergoing knee embolization, with some experiencing complete relief from pain.

One thing that patients may wonder about is the duration of the pain relief provided by knee embolization Arizona procedures. While it is true that the procedure may not provide permanent pain relief, the effects can last for several months or even years. The length of the pain relief depends on each patient’s individual case and condition.

Finally, it’s important to note that knee embolization may not be suitable for everyone. Patients will need to undergo a thorough evaluation to determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. Additionally, patients will need to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure with their knee embolization Arizona doctor before making a decision.

Knee embolization is a breakthrough treatment that can provide long-lasting relief from chronic knee pain. The procedure is minimally invasive and has a low risk of complications. While it may not be suitable for everyone, knee embolization can be a viable option for patients who cannot undergo surgery or who have not been able to find relief from other treatments. If you are suffering from chronic knee pain, schedule a consultation with your doctor to discuss if knee embolization is right for you.